Sunday, January 22, 2017

Allen Fresh 48

The first 48 hours of your baby's life is so full of firsts.
I was so honored to share in this sweet little girl's first day! 

The first glimpse of your baby across the room

The first time you held a hand that you'll get to hold so much

 The first time you count 10 fingers and 10 little toes

A very first check up, wearing her very first diaper

 That first skin to skin, feeling closer to your baby outside of your body than you did when she was inside

First time Dad finally gets to cuddle his princess

The first time she finds her hands to soothe herself

The first time you get to show off, also the first time you realize that your daughter already has the whole family wrapped around her tiny finger

Thank you Josh Allen and Emilie Allen for letting me in on the day you became parents
She's so beautiful

Friday, September 2, 2016

Restaurant + Toddlers Doesn't Have to = Disaster!

Taking toddlers to a restaurant can sometimes feel like deciding to go for a walk when there's a tornado;
sure a walk is nice, but ARE YOU CRAZY!?! You're going to get hit with lots flying debris, they'll be as loud as the "tornado train whistle sound"everyone talks about; it'll just be a whirlwind of a storm!
It doesn't have to be like that!
Be your own force of nature. Control that storm. And have a nice walk!

I have some awesome tips for dining with toddlers that
I want to share with YOU!

First, some tips for the big picture:
1. Practice makes perfect
The more kids go out to eat, the more familiar they become with the routine and rules

2. Try to go when its not busy
I like to go on weekdays around 2:00 or 3:00 pm

3. Try to order food that cooks fast
If patience is the hardest part of a restaurant visit, then take that into consideration when you order, take that walk before the storm arrives

4. Pick a family friendly restaurant
Our favorite (Midland, MI Bob Evan's) has an awesome staff, nice highchairs, and super cool extra long bendy straws

Preparedness is KEY
5. The Baby Radius
How far can your kids reach from their seats? Make sure anything they shouldn't have (ya know:... salt, pepper... knives...) are set back

6. Extra Napkins
Some waitstaff bring extra napkins as soon as they see two toddlers at my table, but if they don't, I always ask! It's better to have them before you need them than to be napkin-less in a taco meat twister!

7. The Garbage Plate
I keep one of the salad plates or bread plates (or an extra napkin) and pile all the garbage on it as we go

8. Busy Bags
I actually don't utilize these, it's one extra thing for me to carry, but I can see how they could come in handy! Check out a search on Pinterest to find ideas to make your own

9. My Go-To Extra Supplies
Dollar Tree stocks both of my favorite things for restaurants: disposable bibs and these appetizer size forks. The bibs are an obvious one, especially for my Little O, but the forks, I LOVE THEM! Twenty-four tiny plastic forks for a buck, you can't go wrong! Sometimes restaurant forks' tines are so far apart that they won't pick up child size bites, and they're heavy and awkward for their little hands (as you can see, I forgot them on our last restaurant adventure and Little O used an interesting grip in an attempt to wield that heavy utensil!)

Set Your Rules
(here's a few of mine)

10. Use your manners
Please, thank you, stay in your seat, inside voices, you know the drill ;)

11. Keep your food on your plate
Eating off the table totally grosses me out. You never know how clean they get it with the quick swipe of their rag. My boys know that if their food hits the table, it goes to the garbage plate.

12. Chocolate milk is a treat
We use it as a reward for good behavior and for eating a good meal: sips while we eat, and the rest when we're finished

13. Timeout spots are available in a restaurant too
I have yet to need to enforce, since the threat of a timeout is usually enough (especially for Big A) but my plan of action is to take away everything within their reach, and have them rest their head on the table

Misbehavior Thrives in Boredom

14. Have an arsenal of restaurant boredom busters
I'll list some of my favorites beyond the typical: color on the kids menu with the crappy crayons thing

- an ice cube on the table is a fun way to explore senses with easy clean up
- stack up the coffee creamers or jelly packets, who can build the tallest tower?
- make patterns with colors of the sugar/sweetener packets
- pour some salt/sugar on a plate and practice writing letters in it
- play I-Spy
- play pretend; pretend your food came to the table, pretend to eat! I always picture we're at the food fight feast with Robin Williams on Hook
- and every parents' favorite game is the silent game (Big A thinks its easier to win if he plugs his ears!)  who can go the longest without talking?

Comment below if you have any tips, tricks, or boredom busters! I'd love to hear from you!

Monday, August 29, 2016

An Airport Reunion

I was struck by divinity last week.  I was working on an advertisement to post, looking for families with loved ones who live far away, or are away in the military, and will be coming home soon, so I can add those touching airport reunion sessions to my portfolio, and [DING] -facebook notification- I was tagged in a post of someone looking for exactly that!

This local gal was searching for a photographer to donate time to capture a reunion of her friend picking her kids up from the airport. This mom's story of courage and strength is AMAZING. (I didn't even ask for the whole story until afterwards, because I was afraid to be a blubbering baby! ....which I was anyways... big surprise there huh?)

I'll give you a little blurb of a background:  Muthoni, a Kenyan native, had three beautiful kiddos, Rosa (16), Biko (10), and Martin (6).  Her and her youngest left the states to go back to Kenya to help her mother through health problems, and they became financially stranded. After 3.5 years of many twist, turns, and struggles of trying to return and see her two oldest kids, the family was finally reunited, and I was so blessed to have been able to witness it.

As I pulled into the parking lot, the gorgeous sun setting sky had me so excited to capture more beauty inside the airport.

The plane landed moments after we arrived. 
Muthoni and Martin waited anxiously for passengers to start coming out.
Martin's silliness kept everyone entertained!

They moved over to the gate opening once the other passengers started pouring out.  Seconds moved like hours as people passed us.

 One sweet passenger stopped on her way out to say she had visited
with her daughter on the flight. It was so touching, and so reassuring
that her kids would soon come walking down that hall.

Jen was the person who originally reached out to me. 
She stood as a pillar of strength with her friend.

Muthoni's entire demeanor shifted
and I knew that she got a glimpse of her babies!

They beamed on their way down that hallway.

They embraced (and I cried)

They only let go to trade places and hug some more

Rosa showed that she gets her strength from her
mother as she wipes away her tears.

Biko shares the silliness trait, as him and his brother Martin play in the lobby.

They went to the service desk to make it official. Bracelets off, papers signed

Finally together again

It was such a humbling experience to stand with a woman so full of strength.  I can't imagine missing my babies for that long.  I pray that they're able to enjoy the time that the have together now, and I thank them for asking me to be a part of such a special occasion.
II Timothy 4:17a "But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength"

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Thoughts From A Toddler Bed

Little O recently moved from his crib in our room to a “big boy bed” (toddler mattress on the floor with pool noodles for makeshift rollover speed bumps) in his brother’s room, and he’s still adjusting to the change, so our nights have been long and snuggly. As I was tucking Little O in tonight (for the 3rd time), I took in all of his sweetness by the red light of big brother’s lava lamp.  Here’s some of my thoughts while laying with him:

Are his eyes open or closed?.....they’re open….no… I think I would see him blink…..they must be closed. I’ll just wave my hand in front of him and see if theyyyep they’re open. Start over

Wow his cheeks are CHUBBY……. that’s why I can’t see his eyes…. they’re hiding in the shadows…… he won’t outgrow those….… those are my cheeks…… he’ll see those in his peripheral vision for the rest of his life……sweet little chipmunk

I can’t wait for coffee in the morning

I’ll sing a little lullaby, that always works for Big A…… “Down in the valley, in the valley so” “NO!”  Little O, you stinker! Don’t laugh don’t laugh…. this little turkey always stops my lullabies… well maybe that means he’ll be a singer like his daddy since he knows that I’m no good

OUCH! Either I’m getting older or floors are getting harder

Aww his toes are probably cold, I’ll cover them up……. wait…. this can’t be……. Did his blanky shrink? Why won’t it cover all of my baby at the same time? How is Little O not so little anymore? My baby grew over night? But but but….. [sobs quietly]…..

He’s sound asleep… I’ll just tip toe out of here and “CREEEEEEEEEEEEEAK” Stupid #%@$% door! Add WD40 to shopping list..... “Mamaaaaaaa!?” Oh Little O, that’s the saddest voice ever….. no, baby, I wasn’t going to bed leaving you all alone in your bed, I’m coming back to snuggle right now <3

That’s a pretty typical night for this mama lately, and as tired as I am, I’m loving every minute of it. My biggest hope for tonight’s blog is that my little anecdote reminds you to be present <3

“Realize deeply that the
present moment
is all you ever have
                            -Eckhart Tolle

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Lifestyle Photography - Best in the Mess

With two cute little tornadoes in my house, Big A and Little O, if I go pee alone, I GUARANTEE that the living room (that I just picked up 2 seconds ago) will look like a toy store war zone.  I’m sure every parent can relate!  I know that’s what holds a lot of you back from wanting an in-home lifestyle session, but I’m here to tell you IT’S OK!

I’ve done a session of Little O, bathing in the sink, but what you can’t see, is that the other ½ of the sink was full, and the rest of the dishes that stuck out were sitting on the stove! The extra scrubbers, plastic dish soap bottle, dish drying rack? I tossed those on the kitchen island.  Lifestyle photography is meant to freeze time the way it should be remembered, so distractions are moved to the side, and the sweet moment is captured <3

Another great story is this hot mess below.  Big A was helping me practice a new camera technique with his monster trucks. The mess they had made in the living room was comparable to a minefield I’d assume.  I took these photos seconds apart.  All the chaos, all around, and if you really take a step closer, you see the beauty right there, in everyday life <3
“You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow they will be a little bigger than they are today. This day is a gift. Breathe and notice. Smell and touch them; study their faces and little feet and pay attention. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today mama. It will be over before you know it.” -Jen Hatmaker

Puppy and Dino - Lifestyle Photography

     I’ve touched on the subject of photography before, but I haven’t really dived into lifestyle photography in a post yet, so I thought I’d share one of my favorite sessions to date, plus I want to introduce you to my sweet babies <3 

     Big A is three years old. He has the sweetest soul, gentlest heart, and kindest spirit <3 He often says things like “Dad’s in trouble tuh-day because I miss him” <3 He starts preschool and soccer next month, he’s going to be in his uncles wedding, and he just moved up to a big boy bed! (I think this mama is freaking out about growing up more than he is!)
Also, meet Dino. This is A’s BEST FRIEND. He came into his life before A was even actually here! A friend got him Dino at his baby shower, and the two have been inseparable since <3

  Little O is my wild man, my tornado, my chubby little love bug <3 This one year old will fly in, steal your heart, and run away with it giggling! He loves a good adventure (like climbing to the top of Mt Moms-Dining-Room-Table), likes to live dangerously (like diving off of A’s new big boy bed), and loves to love (he’s quite the smoocher <3)
    O’s favorite snuggle buddy right now is Puppy. Puppy was one of A’s old babies who didn’t get enough love until O came along.  Now Puppy is always covered in slimy kisses, and billowing in the wind and O runs around flying him by the paw.

     Having these precious photos, these sweet moments frozen in time, is so special.  One day Dino and Puppy will be on a dusty shelf while the boys are at school, but the cuddles, the adventures, they’re preserved forever <3