Sunday, August 21, 2016

Thoughts From A Toddler Bed

Little O recently moved from his crib in our room to a “big boy bed” (toddler mattress on the floor with pool noodles for makeshift rollover speed bumps) in his brother’s room, and he’s still adjusting to the change, so our nights have been long and snuggly. As I was tucking Little O in tonight (for the 3rd time), I took in all of his sweetness by the red light of big brother’s lava lamp.  Here’s some of my thoughts while laying with him:

Are his eyes open or closed?.....they’re open….no… I think I would see him blink…..they must be closed. I’ll just wave my hand in front of him and see if theyyyep they’re open. Start over

Wow his cheeks are CHUBBY……. that’s why I can’t see his eyes…. they’re hiding in the shadows…… he won’t outgrow those….… those are my cheeks…… he’ll see those in his peripheral vision for the rest of his life……sweet little chipmunk

I can’t wait for coffee in the morning

I’ll sing a little lullaby, that always works for Big A…… “Down in the valley, in the valley so” “NO!”  Little O, you stinker! Don’t laugh don’t laugh…. this little turkey always stops my lullabies… well maybe that means he’ll be a singer like his daddy since he knows that I’m no good

OUCH! Either I’m getting older or floors are getting harder

Aww his toes are probably cold, I’ll cover them up……. wait…. this can’t be……. Did his blanky shrink? Why won’t it cover all of my baby at the same time? How is Little O not so little anymore? My baby grew over night? But but but….. [sobs quietly]…..

He’s sound asleep… I’ll just tip toe out of here and “CREEEEEEEEEEEEEAK” Stupid #%@$% door! Add WD40 to shopping list..... “Mamaaaaaaa!?” Oh Little O, that’s the saddest voice ever….. no, baby, I wasn’t going to bed leaving you all alone in your bed, I’m coming back to snuggle right now <3

That’s a pretty typical night for this mama lately, and as tired as I am, I’m loving every minute of it. My biggest hope for tonight’s blog is that my little anecdote reminds you to be present <3

“Realize deeply that the
present moment
is all you ever have
                            -Eckhart Tolle

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