Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Puppy and Dino - Lifestyle Photography

     I’ve touched on the subject of photography before, but I haven’t really dived into lifestyle photography in a post yet, so I thought I’d share one of my favorite sessions to date, plus I want to introduce you to my sweet babies <3 

     Big A is three years old. He has the sweetest soul, gentlest heart, and kindest spirit <3 He often says things like “Dad’s in trouble tuh-day because I miss him” <3 He starts preschool and soccer next month, he’s going to be in his uncles wedding, and he just moved up to a big boy bed! (I think this mama is freaking out about growing up more than he is!)
Also, meet Dino. This is A’s BEST FRIEND. He came into his life before A was even actually here! A friend got him Dino at his baby shower, and the two have been inseparable since <3

  Little O is my wild man, my tornado, my chubby little love bug <3 This one year old will fly in, steal your heart, and run away with it giggling! He loves a good adventure (like climbing to the top of Mt Moms-Dining-Room-Table), likes to live dangerously (like diving off of A’s new big boy bed), and loves to love (he’s quite the smoocher <3)
    O’s favorite snuggle buddy right now is Puppy. Puppy was one of A’s old babies who didn’t get enough love until O came along.  Now Puppy is always covered in slimy kisses, and billowing in the wind and O runs around flying him by the paw.

     Having these precious photos, these sweet moments frozen in time, is so special.  One day Dino and Puppy will be on a dusty shelf while the boys are at school, but the cuddles, the adventures, they’re preserved forever <3

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