Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Rose Tinted Glasses

“Rose tinted glasses? So cliché. Oh boy. This blogger is weird. Abort. Abort….wait… she’s kinda funny maybe I’ll read more…”

I’m so glad you stayed to get to know me! I know, I know, my blog title is sooooo cliché, but so is saying “so cliché” so who is the real loser here?  ;)

I grew up in a small town with 2 brothers, 4 step sisters, 4 parents, and now I have a husband and 2 kids of my own.  In every family, there’s always that crazy one, the weird one, …….the sunshiney one, if you will…. Well folks, you’re talking to her.

I tend to look for the beauty in life everywhere I look, which is why I started lifestyle photography, capturing those little real life moments. I always look for the beauty inside everyone too. I was always the friend that people came to for advice, and I think it’s because of my outlook. I am good at helping people see from a different perspective (a happier one). I love being that person <3

My school report cards always called me “bubbly" “effervescent” “cookoo” (just kidding on that last one), and I even won an award in Jr High for being a humanitarian. Being a happy person is just who I am. It’s like I’m just full of this energy (mostly espresso and diet mt dew, let’s be real) and joy and brightness. It’s helped me through all of the ups and downs I’ve encountered along the way. I want to share that with you. Happiness is addictive, joy is contagious, and YOU can wear rose tinted glasses too!


  1. Mallory Megan....I'm a proud Aunt! Great work.....great person.....great niece.....great blog.....great PHOTOGRAPHER! Love you!!!
